Wednesday, April 12, 2006

I have been blessed...

Okay, one of my ABSOLUTE favorite blogs is Just Being Critical These brothers speak to me in ways that I can't even begin to articulate. It's even a little frustrating because the shit I want to write about somehow appears on their blog. It's like the mofos are sitting in my brain. Well, it's been a really hectic couple of weeks for me, hence the lack of posts here on the blog. It's really my random thoughts so I'm not looking for an audience. If I get it, fine. If not, at least I'll have tangible proof of the innerworkings of my mind. Anyway back to the subject. I check my email and guess who has sent me an email. You guessed it, Mr. Critical himself. He even gave me a little praise on my little blog. How great is that!!!! So, anyway after almost two weeks of not posting, this is how I bring myself back to the world.
Anyway, keep doing your thing fellas. The world is waiting...One criticism at a time.


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